Friday, October 5, 2012

Is "Modern Family" actually Modern?

The last two weeks have been exciting for me as all my favorite TV shows premiered for the season. One of my favorite shows from the last few years is Modern Family. The sitcom revolves around 3 families, all which are interrelated but different. Since taking my Race, Gender & Mass Media class, I've started observing and looking for stereotypes and gender role portrayals in all aspects of the Media. I couldn't help but notice that although Modern Family tries to take on modern family views, the gender roles and family ideas are still very traditional. In continuing my research on the topic I found an article on which shares research. The title of my blog is shaped around the article I read by Carolin Lehmann titled "How 'modern' is Modern Family? A critical Review on the U.S. Sitcom Regarding Gender Roles and Hegemonic Ideologies

Cast of Modern Family
The show at first glance appears to be have a modern take on family by introducing not only an interracial couple with an age difference, but also a homosexual couple. The homosexual couple, Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker, has an adopted baby girl who share both of their last names with a hyphen, emphasizing their non-traditional family structure. However when you take a closer look into the show, it is evident that gender roles between families and husbands and wives are still traditional in their roots. Both wives of the heterosexual relationships are never seen working and do not clearly contribute to the family's finances. Both women are dependent on their husbands income. Now you think the homosexual family would bring a different twist on this, but their roles are clearly defined as man and wife because Mitchell considers himself the father by working at a law office, while Cameron is seen as the mother by staying home with daughter Lily. The Latina wife in one of the families, Gloria Delgado, upholds a very obvious Latin American stereotype as discussed in my race, gender & mass media class. Continually throughout the 3 years the show has been on, Gloria is seen as a hot-tempered and sexy Latin American woman. Her accent is also made fun of in several episodes as she sometimes has a hard time communicating herself. The other wife among the families, Claire Dunphy, holds a traditional stay-at home domestic mother. It is known throughout the episodes of the show that Claire used to hold a successful job but quit in order to stay home with her family. I now believe that the show is misleading in showing true "modern" families. The old fashioned values and traditions that lie within each family clearly does not reveal the ambitions and adequate portrayal of women in today's society. 

This video shows how Gloria is commonly made fun of for her accent on Modern Family. 

This other article relating the Latin American stereotyping of Gloria if you would like to read more on the topic.

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