So I hate that I continually write my observations about gender and racial stereotypes over TV shows, but since beginning the class in August I have developed a more critical eye on how exactly gender roles and racial stereotypes are portrayed. A new show that began this season on NBC is "Guys with Kids" and includes one of my favorite actors, Jesse Bradford. Although the show has only run for a few weeks, I've already noticed a different view on traditional gender roles. An article on the Esquire Magazine blog entitled "Guys with Kids and the Contempt for Dads"highlights author, Stephen Marche's opinion on the show in comparison to his own personal fatherhood experiences. The article revolves around the idea that men are not portrayed through the media as being competent enough to stay-at home with their children. According to Stephen Marche, there are only two ways in which dads are portrayed in comedy media. Either "benevolent idiots" or "buffoonish Mr. Moms." However, it is very rare that men are shown as being just as capable, if not more capable, then women at caring for children. The only show I have yet to see a fair resemblance of this is "Up All Night" which airs also on NBC. In a world of progressive gender roles where men are now taking care of children frequently, media is slow to catch up and reveal this truth in an accurate manner.
The second half of the article is eye-opening in how taking care of children at home is truly a definition of manliness its primordial as eating. The desire to want to be home and take care of children has increased from previous generations and now even golf courses are in decline as men want to be home with children on the weekends instead of golfing. That to me says al ot as I know personally that my dad loves to golf. It does make me wonder if producers of shows or tv station directors believe the progressive idea is too negative to be viewed, or if they themselves don't believe that men are just as capable as women to be stay-at-home parents. I personally think the show "Guys with Kids" is funny in disagreement with author, Stephan Marche. Next time I do watch the show though, I will take a closer look at exactly the characteristics the main characters are portraying as opposed to the overall "idea" of the show. I included a clip in case none of you have seen the show before.