Sunday, October 28, 2012

Guys with Kids

So I hate that I continually write my observations about gender and racial stereotypes over TV shows, but since beginning the class in August I have developed a more critical eye on how exactly gender roles and racial stereotypes are portrayed. A new show that began this season on NBC is "Guys with Kids" and includes one of my favorite actors, Jesse Bradford. Although the show has only run for a few weeks, I've already noticed a different view on traditional gender roles. An article on the Esquire Magazine blog entitled "Guys with Kids and the Contempt for Dads"highlights author, Stephen Marche's opinion on the show in comparison to his own personal fatherhood experiences. The article revolves around the idea that men are not portrayed through the media as being competent enough to stay-at home with their children. According to Stephen Marche, there are only two ways in which dads are portrayed in comedy media. Either "benevolent idiots" or "buffoonish Mr. Moms." However, it is very rare that men are shown as being just as capable, if not more capable, then women at caring for children. The only show I have yet to see a fair resemblance of this is "Up All Night" which airs also on NBC. In a world of progressive gender roles where men are now taking care of children frequently, media is slow to catch up and reveal this truth in an accurate manner.

The second half of the article is eye-opening in how taking care of children at home is truly a definition of manliness its primordial as eating. The desire to want to be home and take care of children has increased from previous generations and now even golf courses are in decline as men want to be home with children on the weekends instead of golfing. That to me says al ot as I know personally that my dad loves to golf. It does make me wonder if producers of shows or tv station directors believe the progressive idea is too negative to be viewed, or if they themselves don't believe that men are just as capable as women to be stay-at-home parents. I personally think the show "Guys with Kids" is funny in disagreement with author, Stephan Marche. Next time I do watch the show though, I will take a closer look at exactly the characteristics the main characters are portraying as opposed to the overall "idea" of the show. I included a clip in case none of you have seen the show before.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cover Girl Sofia Vergara

After my last post regarding Modern Family, I did a deeper look into actress Sofia Vergara as I have seen many commercials on TV where she is endorsing Pepsi and her K-Mart Clothing Line: Sofia. In my investigation I came across an article I found on Sun titled, "The Two Sides of Sofia: Superstar or Stereotype," that questioned if Sofia Vergara was a role model for Hispanic women, or a stereotype of Latina women through the roles she embraces as an actress. Her story has inspired many, as she started out as a single mother that worked hard as a model and Spanish-TV host before entering the Hollywood TV scene. However the article reveals that although she may be embracing a stereotypical role on Modern Family, it is exactly that: just a role. Sofia admits in other interviews that she has always faced stereotypes throughout her career and in reality she does hold some truth to those stereotypes by having a voluptuous figure and an overly loud personality.  However I do have to question her TV commercials for Diet Pepsi and K-Mart. Even those may be roles as well, she is still seen continuously as the typical Latina stereotype of a seductress. Since I am half Hispanic, my mother is Mexican, I can understand the frustration felt by other Hispanics at the stereotypical roles that Sofia portrays. It's hard to be take the show and character seriously when they are continually making fun of Latino characteristics. I do just have to remember that it is just a show and that several Caucasian characteristics are also poked fun at within the show. Here is another article that looks at the Latino stereotypes in Hollywood and their impact. I also decided to include the Diet Pepsi Commercial that Sofia Vergara was featured in, in order to show how the Latina Seductress stereotype is revealed.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Is "Modern Family" actually Modern?

The last two weeks have been exciting for me as all my favorite TV shows premiered for the season. One of my favorite shows from the last few years is Modern Family. The sitcom revolves around 3 families, all which are interrelated but different. Since taking my Race, Gender & Mass Media class, I've started observing and looking for stereotypes and gender role portrayals in all aspects of the Media. I couldn't help but notice that although Modern Family tries to take on modern family views, the gender roles and family ideas are still very traditional. In continuing my research on the topic I found an article on which shares research. The title of my blog is shaped around the article I read by Carolin Lehmann titled "How 'modern' is Modern Family? A critical Review on the U.S. Sitcom Regarding Gender Roles and Hegemonic Ideologies

Cast of Modern Family
The show at first glance appears to be have a modern take on family by introducing not only an interracial couple with an age difference, but also a homosexual couple. The homosexual couple, Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker, has an adopted baby girl who share both of their last names with a hyphen, emphasizing their non-traditional family structure. However when you take a closer look into the show, it is evident that gender roles between families and husbands and wives are still traditional in their roots. Both wives of the heterosexual relationships are never seen working and do not clearly contribute to the family's finances. Both women are dependent on their husbands income. Now you think the homosexual family would bring a different twist on this, but their roles are clearly defined as man and wife because Mitchell considers himself the father by working at a law office, while Cameron is seen as the mother by staying home with daughter Lily. The Latina wife in one of the families, Gloria Delgado, upholds a very obvious Latin American stereotype as discussed in my race, gender & mass media class. Continually throughout the 3 years the show has been on, Gloria is seen as a hot-tempered and sexy Latin American woman. Her accent is also made fun of in several episodes as she sometimes has a hard time communicating herself. The other wife among the families, Claire Dunphy, holds a traditional stay-at home domestic mother. It is known throughout the episodes of the show that Claire used to hold a successful job but quit in order to stay home with her family. I now believe that the show is misleading in showing true "modern" families. The old fashioned values and traditions that lie within each family clearly does not reveal the ambitions and adequate portrayal of women in today's society. 

This video shows how Gloria is commonly made fun of for her accent on Modern Family. 

This other article relating the Latin American stereotyping of Gloria if you would like to read more on the topic.